Follow this group of volunteer Community Curators as they take part in the Richmond Theatre 110 Project.
28 May 2010
Online information
The interview with Simon Callow is great as well as the article on the youth workshop and its progress.
Further links are posted.
25 May 2010
Events listing

Lois (25.05.10)
21 May 2010
Douglas' Designs...In CoLoUr!!!!

Graeme Crusishank Theatre Collection - Research
Might be useful in how we break down the exhibition information regarding theatre in general, headings, also might be useful regarding Educational work.
13 May 2010
Discussion - If Matcham were here today, what would he say?

Lois said: Frank Matcham – The discussions of last weeks (E-coms group) meeting on the possibilities of creating a piece of work/writing written as though Matcham was writing it himself, inspired me to create this image. Also utilizing this idea on social networking sites could be a fun way to create interest and encourage disscusion ...someone will have to pose as Frank though!
When I made the image, I was thinking of a flyer to spark interest in the lead up to the exhibition etc. It is a flight of fancy, where we could get Simon Callow to play the part of Frank Matcham in a play/ promo. film/video…or at the Open Day event. Lol
In any case, I think the idea might be something that could link nicely with the Educational side of things and the Young Peoples play maybe.
11 May 2010
Exhibition Theme
As support of the idea to base the exhibition around the perspective of Frank Matcham, and also to support the idea to create another creative piece (maybe a diary or Facebook/Blogg) written as Matcham himself; here is a link which is a good representation of Victorian speech. The recording is not very clear but its an idea.
'Charge of the light Brigade' read by Tennyson
Also, if anyone's researching its may be a good idea to read/listen to Sherlock Holmes, My Fair lady - Ascot scene or this scene from the film, to get an Idea of the more class structured speech...and the comedy that can be achieved.
It may be an idea also to look at Poetic forms of speech. Shakespeare is a master of this. If we could get an image of Matcham to work like this Shakespeare animation speech it would be GREAT!!
Oh, a good start for this form of Poetic Speech may be Alexander Pope who's work is given pride of place above the stage at Richmond Theatre 'To wake the Soul with tender strokes of art...'
7 May 2010
Exhibition Space / Design
The research group have formulated the layout and content for the exhibition. LOVLEY SKEtcHiNG!
After considering our design options, Lois has put forward an idea for the exhibition design. The image map shows an initial idea/theme of the exhibition.

The idea is based on presenting the show as a time line of events (structured around the Theatres name change/important events and is shown from Frank Matcham's point of view).
Website Design
Ian (26.04.10)
Ian has put forward an Initial Idea for the Projects website/page. Using Images sourced from the Richmond Website to keep each site uniform. Following on from the
E-communications meeting on 6th May, Lois has put forward two ideas for the web page.
Lois (07.05.10)
Lois said: The first is designed with the consideration that all our dreams may not be fulfilled and that we would have a single web page. This is then a suggestion of a combined page which would have a WELCOME and ABOUT information content. The second, is designed on the hope that our wish list is granted (to have more than one page), and is a suggestion for the ABOUT page.
I have used Eleanor's balloon image for the banner. That way I think our page would be in keeping with the Richmond colour scheme etc, whilst also being less formal.
Initial Thoughts and Ideas
Douglas has produced some ideas for the exhibition space at the Museum of Richmond and for the May Fair Celebrations.
Mayfair Stand - Also put forward by Douglas. A suggestion for the May Day stand.
Couldn’t find a suitable curtain available to suggest at the entrance as mentioned during the visit either but I’m sure you’ll get around that in your imagination.
Also as Jeremy remarked at one of the meetings a time line for the display is a particular requirement I think.
Not only do you need a display that is attractive it must also have a continuity
of flow through time as you move in one direction or another around the display.
I think this is something that should be considered whatever your material is.
Poster Ideas - Douglas (19.04.10)