Frances submitted a male a female template and coloured pen example!

Activity Corner (masks) - (24.08.10)
Lois and Frances have been discussing and researching possible images from the Theatre archives and Local studies to use as resource material for the mask-making activity.
Frances said: 'We were looking for stimulus material for the activity discussed, to encourage children to wander round the exhibition, really studying any visual images whilst drawing their masks".
Lois has submitted a mask idea - A Talking Matcham mask.
Lois said: "I was thinking of ways to create more internet presence for Richmond Theatre and have suggested the possability of creating an online account (we could use Flicker - which ties into the idea of creating a 'Flick book'??!" see Exhibition space and design photo).
"We could supply a Talking Matcham mask template which could be made at home. After creating thier masks, visitors could submit thier pictures/masks via email, which could be uploaded. (Flicker also accepts video)."
Here is a link for Flicker search results of: Richmond Theatre
An animation/moving image of this kind can be found in the Exhibition post Tennysons 'Charge of the Light Brigade'. which has been posted via You Tube. (am looking for an Alexander Pope one).
Other possible characters to explore have been 'Old man', 'Silly woman', 'Pretty Young Thing', and Mikado masks. Also Panto and Rocky Horror Show masks could be used.
Activity resources/images would be kept in an A4 folder with scissors, glue and any other materials like coloured card/pencils provided (?)
Frances has
submitted an initial layout suggestion for the resource folder with reference production photos (from Local Studies) on the left and a mask suggestion on the right.
'Tender Souls' play brought back Matcham via an I-pod (in the end)
Other posts on Tender Souls can be found Via Mark Griffin's blog Drama St Marys blog
Activity corner (lighting) - (16/08/10) Lois said:
A thought further to the discussion on Interactivity/sourcing images for make up and lighting etc - online i found the guardian blog which has an article about King Lear with a nice picture of the Dr Who? guy (whats his name?)
I dont know the possibilities of online access from the Museum, but if we had access to a lap top (Frances??) then we could get around alot of the issues discussed.
I dont know the possibilities of online access from the Museum, but if we had access to a lap top (Frances??) then we could get around alot of the issues discussed.
There is also another image from the Guardian website about As You Like It.
(As an aside) there is a blog on Panto which includes Richmond Theatres production of Jack and the Beanstalk.This blog has some good images of the Peter Pan production and is a nice public review
On Flicker i found someone who has a nice image of the Snow White production at RT.
Bits of online Bumpf!
You're both so creative - what wonderful ideas! FAB
Thanks - Frances' masks made me smile!! They are the type of thing anyone could do without much fuss - I think they're fun!!