Exhibition - Scale Model (17/08/10)
Sarah produced a scale model of the exhibition.
Sarah said:
The exhibition starts with a poster of the current production on at the theatre and a listening post with 'x' many stories/voices on. We then have a wall explaining the exhibition, and a variety of posters of productions over the years, different genres and graphic styles.
Some info on the the theatre before it was established on the green and it's where-abouts in Richmond beforehand, before we talk about Matcham;s design and the first show.
This Video was taken - there was 19 seconds of free space left in the Camera's memory - its a bit fast so will get another uploaded when we can.
There are two levels of information - Facts of history and social interest for the theatre goer and local visitor as well as activities and information geared to children and school visits at a lower level. We have an activity for children to take home relating to theatre design.

All the things that the theatre has been used for, church ceremonies and during war-time is also

Childrens activities here include changing appearance of parts, including mask-making and make-up.

This then ties in with Richmond's panto tradition, dressing up for children and panto posters over the years and actors who have performed at Richmond.

We also show break-through performances at Richmond, and then go on to explain its renovaition and what the public may wish to see in the future.
Lighting and sound effects are also covered.

Dance Opera and music productions over the years are displayed with ballet costumes, programmes from a range of companies that have performed at Richmond.

Over-all the exhibition will show the great variety of performances and performers over Richmond's 110 years.