Website Development 2 - Lois (26.09.10)
Lois has submitted the changes to the website.
Lois said: The horizontal and vertical navigation menus have switched position.
Different examples for alternate banner image(s) have been added and Logo size and positioning is under discussion.
Text content hasn't been captured in all of these screen shots unfortunately.

The banner on the Welcome page may be moved to the Archives page, and text content is to be edited.
This banner for the Learning page works well - it is a Giff animation although it may be a still image depending.
A draft of the Mask making activity has been added to this page and will be updated.
The 110 image will be used for the 110 project pages. The animated text to the left of the banner is under debate.
The text content on this page is being edited.

And if not used then the pages would be without text - like this one. Images from the Tender Souls project were used in the Slide show content (right).
'Graphic Panels' in the side nav. will be changed to 'Through the Stages' and text content is being edited and PDF links are to be added

This image could be moved to the Welcome page.

There is also this seat image that could be used.
The contacts page has had the networking buttons added (cut off in the screen-shot).
The icons below are the same ones used on the sight and will take you to each networking site.

After some tidy up other links to be added:
Richmond Local Studies
Mander and Mitcheson Theatre Collection
Theatres Trust
The overall colour scheme is also under discussion (Side navigation & Footer). The use of the Creative Learning logo colours (Orange,
Grey, Turquoise and Pink) have and are being discussed alongside the colour of the background used in the Graphic panels.