Follow this group of volunteer Community Curators as they take part in the Richmond Theatre 110 Project.
2 Dec 2010
Richmond Theatre Heritage blog has been created. The blog is being used to post updates on the archive process and other developments following the Richmond Theatre 110 Project.
10 Oct 2010
After alot of work, its time to rest!
Lots more to do for the next day
img feature in 2 sets from idilsukan on flkr
Richmond Theatre Open Day
richmond Theatre Promenade performance
9 Oct 2010
General_notes-Celebrating 10.10.10
Richmond Theatre Images blog has been updated.
The perfect time (and date) to get the digital archive underway!
RTH Team
Richmond Theatre Heritage blog has been created. The blog can be used to post updates on the Archive process and other developments following the Richmond Theatre 110 Project. See you there!
Richmond Theatre Heritage - The site is now live. Ian has uploaded the Through the Stages Events Programme
The website continues to be developed and has currently had the Index page and archive pages updated.
The Index page picture links to the Home (welcome) page on the site. The image is from the 1884 archive.
Changes have been made to the colour scheme.
The website continues to be developed and has currently had the Index page and archive pages updated.

Currently, the entire image (on the Index page) links to the Home/welcome page. The section marked red above, currently moves when the mouse rolls over.
This could be developed by slicing the image further to create links to other areas of the site. eg. the theatre stage image (bottom left) could take you to the Archive.
19 Sept 2010
Exhibition Flyer/events list
Exhibition Flyer - (10.09.10) - Diana
This is the Flyer for the Through the Stages exhibition. The reverse of the flyer has the events list which is also below.
There is also a poster at the Richmond Train Station (as you go up/down the stairs - You cant miss it) See you there!
This is the Flyer for the Through the Stages exhibition. The reverse of the flyer has the events list which is also below.
There is also a poster at the Richmond Train Station (as you go up/down the stairs - You cant miss it) See you there!
10 Sept 2010
Ideas for Notice board outside Museum of Richmond
Carol said: '...leaving the Museum today, there is [the Museum of Richmond noticeboard]- Its on the left hand side as you enter the building and before you climb the staircase.
[We could do with] a poster or something to indicate the exhibition and that there is and exciting new display a mere 2 floors up!!
Lois said: " Its wild
It's exciting
...and its not even finished yet."
8 Sept 2010
Mask Activity - Frances (31.08.10)
Frances submitted a Rocky Horror mask example and Ugly sister example.
7 Sept 2010
Website Development - Banner
Website development - Banner
Lois (08.09.10)
Lois said: The Title for the website has been added with an idea for strap line (if needed). There are layout and colour suggestions as well. "Stages of waking the soul" could be used instead of "another".

Lois (08.09.10)
Lois said: The Title for the website has been added with an idea for strap line (if needed). There are layout and colour suggestions as well. "Stages of waking the soul" could be used instead of "another".

The banner suggestions in the website welcomepage.
Website Development 4 - Archive
Website development - Archive - Lois (07.09.10)
Lois said: Using a Lightbox to display the archive material and collections is being researched and developed. There are many options on how to display images.
These are shown in a gallery/slide show (with controls), and has smooth transitions between images. 

The links can either be in the Vertical Navigation with Oral Histories etc or they could be in the middle content depending.
Here are more template options for the thumbnails/gallery.

Shadow window - No Captions

Rounded corners - No Boarder - With caption

5 Sept 2010
Website Development 3

Website Development 3 - Lois (05.09.10)
Lois Said: The celing image has had hue saturation, brightness etc changed to bring it forward (Is it too bright now?) This image is used as the banner on all main pages, with sub pages having the row of seats image as thebanner. 110 oages have an edited version of the 110 celebrations image (no text)
The colour scheme has changed which is more subtle than the previous orange.

4 Sept 2010
Website Development 2
Website Development 2 - Lois (26.09.10)
Lois has submitted the changes to the website.
Lois said: The horizontal and vertical navigation menus have switched position.
Lois said: The horizontal and vertical navigation menus have switched position.
Different examples for alternate banner image(s) have been added and Logo size and positioning is under discussion.
Text content hasn't been captured in all of these screen shots unfortunately.
This banner for the Learning page works well - it is a Giff animation although it may be a still image depending.
A draft of the Mask making activity has been added to this page and will be updated.
The 110 image will be used for the 110 project pages. The animated text to the left of the banner is under debate.
The text content on this page is being edited.

'Graphic Panels' in the side nav. will be changed to 'Through the Stages' and text content is being edited and PDF links are to be added
The contacts page has had the networking buttons added (cut off in the screen-shot).
The icons below are the same ones used on the sight and will take you to each networking site.

After some tidy up other links to be added:
Mander and Mitcheson Theatre Collection
The overall colour scheme is also under discussion (Side navigation & Footer). The use of the Creative Learning logo colours (Orange,
Grey, Turquoise and Pink) have and are being discussed alongside the colour of the background used in the Graphic panels.
28 Aug 2010

Exhibition - Scale Model (17/08/10)
Sarah produced a scale model of the exhibition.
Sarah said:
The exhibition starts with a poster of the current production on at the theatre and a listening post with 'x' many stories/voices on. We then have a wall explaining the exhibition, and a variety of posters of productions over the years, different genres and graphic styles.
Some info on the the theatre before it was established on the green and it's where-abouts in Richmond beforehand, before we talk about Matcham;s design and the first show.
This Video was taken - there was 19 seconds of free space left in the Camera's memory - its a bit fast so will get another uploaded when we can.
There are two levels of information - Facts of history and social interest for the theatre goer and local visitor as well as activities and information geared to children and school visits at a lower level. We have an activity for children to take home relating to theatre design.

All the things that the theatre has been used for, church ceremonies and during war-time is also

Childrens activities here include changing appearance of parts, including mask-making and make-up.

This then ties in with Richmond's panto tradition, dressing up for children and panto posters over the years and actors who have performed at Richmond.

We also show break-through performances at Richmond, and then go on to explain its renovaition and what the public may wish to see in the future.
Lighting and sound effects are also covered.

Dance Opera and music productions over the years are displayed with ballet costumes, programmes from a range of companies that have performed at Richmond.

Over-all the exhibition will show the great variety of performances and performers over Richmond's 110 years.
25 Aug 2010
Website - Design Development1
Design Development 1 - Lois (27.07.10)

Lois said: This is the first build and design for the website. After discussion with Eleanor, there will be a number of changes made to the design.
Text content is going through a re-edit, navigation is being switched around, footer and social newtworking content is going to be added. The right content (Image) is a slide show of the exterior and interior of the theatre.

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